Iobyte offers the leading solution for helping vendors manage and optimize their Amazon business. MarketView automatically loads all of your Amazon Sales, Inventory, Traffic, and Catalog data along, along with data from monitoring tools to provide the most complete and up-to-date view of your entire Amazon business performance. New Advantage clients regularly see gains of over 40% in their Amazon revenues in the first year.
Iobyte offers the industry-leading Sales Reporting dashboard for Publishers that combines sales and inventory data from multiple sources, bringing everything together in a single, intuitive dashboard.
Based on the same designs used today by two of the largest trade publishers in the world, Iobyte's dashboard represents the most comprehensive and complete way for every role in the company to answer critical questions with just a few clicks.
Contact us to see a demo of our Custom Sales Dashboard.
DataKeeper is a collection of proprietary data acquisition and transformation technologies bundled into a single service. With DataKeeper, you can quickly automate even the most challenging of file and data acquisition tasks and scale it to any required volume and frequency. Reduce errors and missed data and get your most current data as quickly as possible with DataKeeper.
A mobile tool for content owners and publishers to easily consolidate rankings and prices on their books/music/apps in one place - that they can refresh with a single click.
Get current ranking and retail price on Amazon, Apple, Barnes and Noble and many others. Easily skinnable for publishers to apply their own branding.
Try the consumer-friendly Deal-Finder tool that filters popular ebook bestseller lists to only show low-cost titles from larger publishers here: here.